Chambres closes
Chambres closes. Art et claustration à l'âge du roman policier
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon naissent la mme anne, 1907, que Le Mystre de la chambre jaune. Les premiers voir le tableau le dcrivent en des termes qui n'auraient pas dpar chez Gaston Leroux: quelque ...
Possédées - Frédéric Gros sur
Possédées, Frédéric Gros, Albin Michel. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction ou téléchargez la version eBook.
Body Empowerment & Real Women
Aerie's New Body-Empowerment Campaign Uses Real Women as Models
Not too long ago, it was hard to see a clothing ad without wondering, "But what would I look like in that?" Now, brands from Target to Ultimo are championing women with "real" bodies. The latest ...
Body Positivity & Mental iIlness
Body Mapping Anxiety
Science Week: Body mapping anxiety with life-sized artworks
Posted August 11, 2016 11:02:45 How do you feel when you experience anxiety? Can you describe it? Some say the physical effects of anxiety include getting a racing heart and sweaty palms, while you
Interface Cerveau Ordinateurs 1
Les interfaces cerveau-ordinateur 1 - Corps en Immersion
Les interfaces cerveau-ordinateur (Brain-Computer Interfaces, BCI) sont des dispositifs qui mesurent l'activité cérébrale et la convertissent en messages ou commandes, offrant ainsi de nombreuse...
Body Shaming Language
Why this magazine is ditching the 'body shaming' language
"Are you bikini ready?" That all-too familiar headline - as well as variations on it - could be headed for extinction. Women's Health magazine announced that it's banning this kind of "outdated" ...
Trans Breathless
Breathless: Why One Trans Woman Wants to Discuss Sex After Surgery
A few years ago, as transgender issues leaped to the forefront of the cultural conversation, some famous and otherwise outspoken trans people were quick to steer the focus away from "the surgery." ...
Burkini en Australie
Contrairement à la France, le burkini ne pose pas problème sur les plages d'Australie
La tenue, popularisée par une mère de famille australienne et musulmane en 2007, est loin de soulever une polémique aussi forte qu'en France. The Cannes burkini ban undermines freedom of Muslim ...
China's live-streaming
China's live-streaming explosion
Broadcasting yourself has become such a profitable endeavor in China that everyone and anyone seems to be doing it.