Healing the body
Body & Geographies
Call for Papers: Geographies of Interruption: Body, Location, and Experience
Each year, a diverse group of participants gather in Rochester, NY for a graduate conference held by the Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender and Women's Studies. This conference aims to foster an
Dressing Global Bodies
Call for Papers: Dressing Global Bodies
Dressing Global Bodies: Clothing Cultures, Politics and Economies in Globalizing Eras, c. 1600s-1900s 7-9 July 2016, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada Co-Organized with the Pasold Research ...
In Our Skins : Our Bodies Our Stories
Call for Papers: In Our Skin: Our Bodies, Our Stories
is seeking submissions for the edited collection entitled In Our Skin: Our Bodies, Our Stories Editors: Jill Andrew & May Friedman Deadline for Abstracts: November 15, 2015 We seek submissions - ...
What's the body ?
What is 'a body'? Call for papers from M/C Journal
M/C - Media and Culture is inviting contributions on the theme of corporeality to be edited by Anna Lavis and Karin Eli. M/C Journal was founded (as "M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture") in 1998 ...
Body & Gender
Undergraduate Conference on Gender and the Body - Call for Papers
Are you working on a project related to gender and the body that you would like to share with a wider audience? Do you want to share a paper or project from a previous class? Consider submitt...
Performing the body
Beyond Jewellery: Performing the Body - Call for Papers
We invite speakers to take part in the Beyond Jewellery symposium to coincide with the exhibition flockOmania2 , an exhibition and live performance event which crosses boundaries between jewellery ...
Body gender and sexuality
Call For Papers: Body, Gender and Sexuality | H-Announce | H-Net
The Annual Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference invites graduate students to consider the roles played by Body, Gender and Sexuality in their respective disciplines. Throughout the twentieth ...
Bodily fluids
Bodily fluids/fluid bodies: call for papers
Paper proposals are invited for a conference on 'Bodily fluids/fluid bodies in Greek and Roman Antiquity' that will take place at St Michael's College, Cardiff, 11-13 July 2016. The conference is ...
L'Autre Journal
L'Autre Journal - L'arbalète/Gallimard - GALLIMARD - Site Gallimard
L'Autre Journal de 1985 à 1986, à un rythme soutenu, articles, entretiens et photographies légendées à la main, où transparaissent ses passions et ses obsessions. À cette entreprise d'une li...