Janine Bächle Lebensformen
Lebensformen (Formes de vie) - Médiapop Editions
La jeune photographe allemande Janine Bächle a observé le retour à la nature de personnes vivant ensemble dans des Rainbow Gatherings, communautés éphémères qui promeuvent un mode de vie lib...
Imaging the brain and body
Imaging the brain and body Guest Editors: Dr. Tjeerd Boonstra [t.boonstra@unsw.edu.au] Dr. Catherine Tallon-Baudry [catherine...
Bodies in Literature, Art, Film, Museums, and New Media
The University of St. Thomas Art History, Museum Studies, and English graduate programs will host an interdisciplinary conference on Friday, April 26, 2019. While papers addressing any aspect of ...
Mobility and Body Studies in the English-speaking world.
This conference will be a space of discussion for scholars working at the intersection of literary, Mobility and Body Studies in the English-speaking world. We are interested in papers which draw ...
Messy Bodies: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Body in Pre-Modern Culture -
La médecine sans compter
La médecine sans compter - Éditions Glyphe
Dernier né d'une famille de six enfants comportant déjà quatre médecins, Olivier (...)
Ryan McGinley's Exhilarating, Contemplative "Mirror, Mirror"
Ryan McGinley's Exhilarating, Contemplative "Mirror, Mirror"
In the summer of 1978, the Museum of Modern Art opened an exhibition titled "Mirrors and Windows," in which the influential curator John Szarkowski proposed two major categories to describe American
Transfer de Alexia VIC
" Changer de sexe, laisser pousser ses cheveux, ou être opéré de la voix n'est pas le résultat d'une mode, d'une tendance passagère, mais bien la solution trouvée pour pallier leur fragilité...