White Utopias
Living Through/With COVID-19: Using Autoethnography
Living Through/With COVID-19: Using Autoethnography to Research the Pandemic
"Researchers can use autoethnography to demonstrate how abstract, abrupt, and vast changes affect particular lives: specific and contextual experiences of stress and survival, grief and loss ...
Black Health Care Workers are Suffering from Coronavirus
Black Health Care Workers are Suffering from Coronavirus Too-In More Ways Than One
By Adia Harvey Wingfield, author of Flatlining: Race, Work, and Health Care in the New Economy At this point, it is safe to say that the coronavirus has laid bare foundational inequalities in ...
Faire corps - Adrien M & Claire B
La Gaîté Lyrique | Faire corps - Adrien M & Claire B
Faire corps - Adrien M & Claire B est un ensemble d'œuvres immersives et interactives, réunies pour la première fois à la Gaîté Lyrique : une exposition-expérience qui nous invite à bouger,...
Gaming Sexism
Reclaiming Tom Longboat
The Tragedy of Heterosexuality
The Tragedy of Heterosexuality
by Jane Ward Published by: NYU Press 216 pages , 6.00 x 9.00 in Hardcover 9781479851553 Published: September 2020 $26.95 BUY eBook 9781479895069 Published: September 2020 Request Exam or Desk Copy A
Le cinéaste et le philosophe
Presses Universitaires de Rennes - Le cinéaste et le philosophe Philippe Grosos
Le cinéaste et le philosophe À quelles conditions est-il possible de mettre en rapport l'art d'un cinéaste et la pensée d'un philosophe sans subordonner l'un à l'autre ? Est-il envisageable qu...