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28 Mars 2011 , Rédigé par leblogducorps.over-blog.com

13th - 15th May 2011
Main Auditorium
Last Announcement – March 2011
The 2011 edition of the Scientific Congress on Martial Arts and Combat Sports (SCMACS) will take place on 13h 14th and 15th May 2011 in Viseu (Portugal). The organizing committee of the event fully believes that this initiative will provide a valuable opportunity to promote, enlarge and strengthen the scientific community gathered around martial arts and combat sports and this year we have the auspices of the recently founded IMACSS – International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific Society (www.imacsss.com).
The central issue of the Congress is the scientific interpretation of actions in broader contexts as Martial Arts (MA), Combat Sports (CS) or Self-Defence (SD), in relation to objectives usually associated with human development (health, education and well-being).
Participation in this congress should be as wide as possible. Instructors‟ education and training is a clearly medium-/long-term objective on the world, with a growing presence in the markets of physical activity (health, well-being and fitness), sports (from education to sport practice) and school physical education (given the eclectic, inclusive and multilateral context of this school subject). This trajectory, however, should be followed in connection with research developed and practice in scientific centres.
We firmly believe researchers, as well as undergraduate and post-graduate students (covering the levels of bachelor‟s, master‟s and Ph.D.), in the field of martial arts and combat sports, will be ready to present their research and share the richness of their experiences. This will surely contribute to strengthening this scientific community, which is growing and acquiring importance as a forum for the social development of Sports and Education at the European level and even worldwide, given its multicultural nature (East/West), usually more explored in non-scientific contexts.
In this way, we challenge all cultural and scientific organisations, particularly higher education and research institutions developing scientific activities related to the field in question, as well as federations with public usefulness purposes in the scope of martial arts and combat sports, to disseminate this information among potentially interested researchers, educators and practitioners, stimulating them to participate in the event as speakers and poster presenters. All committed communities of technicians and advanced practitioners of martial arts and combat sports will certainly be interested in participating in this congress and they can expect full support from us to do it.
The Congress is a non-profit event and no speaker fees will be paid by the organising committee. However, efforts will be carried out to cover foreign guest speakers‟ logistic expenses (through registration fees funding). Any eventual profit will be invested in the publication of the congress proceedings.
The financial management of this edition may count on the professional support provided by ADIV (Viseu‟s Association for Development and Research), which is integrated in the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, the higher education institution assuming the coordination of the congress, specifically through its School of Education .
Welcome to Viseu - Portugal!
Abel Figueiredo
Viseu – Portugal
13th - 15th May 2011
Dates and Venue
13th to 15th May 2011
Polytechnic Institute of Viseu - Main Auditorium (Central Services Building).
Polytechnic Campus, Av. Coronel José Maria Vale de Andrade, 3504-510 Viseu, Portugal.
1. To gather researchers to promote debate around the study object of the contexts of „martial arts‟, „combat sports‟ or „self-defence‟: human fight motricity;
2. To reflect on on-going national and foreign research work;
3. To promote the dissemination of projects in the fields concerned;
4. To call the attention to the need of developing different scientific approaches.
Main Target Groups
Researchers in the field of martial arts/combat sports;
Teaching and training participants in the area of martial arts/combat sports;
Higher education students and advanced level practitioners;
Heads of Organisations promoting martial arts/combat sports.
Organizing Committee
Prof. Coordinator Fernando Sebastião – Dean of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu.
Cristina Gomes, Ph.D. – President of the School of Education - Viseu
Dr. Carlos Alberto Ribeiro Rua – President of ADIV
Teresa Oliveira, Ph.D. – Coordinator of Sport Sciences and Motricity Department
Francisco Mendes, Ph.D., Antonino Pereira, Ph.D., João Esteves, Ph.D., António Azevedo, MSc., Paulo Eira, MSc., Filipe Amaral, BSc., Carlos Vasconcelos, BSc., Andrea Gonçalves, BSc., Ricardo Almeida, MSc,
Executive Committee
Coordination: Abel Figueiredo (Portugal) and Carlos Gutierrez (Spain).
Adjunct Coordination: Vitor Rosa (Portugal) and Bruno Rosa (Portugal).
Assistants: Students of Bachelor in Sport and Physical Activity.
Registration and Financial Management: Maria do Carmo and Sandra Marques (ADIV).
Last Call for Papers and Posters
Those interested in participating should send an abstract in electronic format not later than: 3rd April 2011. Please consult the author‟ guidelines.
Registration Fees
Paper/poster presenters: 50 Euros.
Other registration: 75 Euros (50 Euros for those registering for only one day).
All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
International Patronage
IMACSSS – International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific Society (www.imacsss.com)
Viseu – Portugal
13th - 15th May 2011
Honourable Committee
President of IMACSSS – International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific Society
Deans of the Physical Education and Sport Faculties and Higher Education Schools.
Presidents of International Sport Federations (MA&CS) with GAISF/Sportaccord recognition.
Presidents of National Sport Federations (MA&CS) and National Coach Associations (MA&CS)
Scientific Committee
Abel Figueiredo, Ph.D. (Polytechnic Institute of Viseu – Portugal) – Program Chair
Ana Rosa Jaqueira, Ph.D. (University of Coimbra – Portugal)
Andrew M. Lane, Ph.D. (University of Wolverhampton – United Kingdom)
António Brito, Ph.D. (Polytechnic Institute of Santarém – Portugal)
Carlos Gutierrez, Ph.D. (University of León – Spain)
Cristiano Roque, Ph.D. (University of São Paulo – Brasil)
Emerson Franchini, Ph.D. (University of São Paulo – Brasil)
Eric Margnes, Ph.D. (University of Pau et des Pays de l‟Adour – France)
Helder Lopes, Ph.D. (University of Madeira – Portugal)
Jose Bragada, Ph.D. (Polytechnic Institute of Bragança – Portugal)
Kai Filipiak, Ph.D. (Leipzig University – Germany)
Marc Theeboom, Ph.D. (Vrije Unversiteit Brussel - Belgium)
Michel Calmet, Ph.D. (Université Montepelier I – France)
Michela Turci, Ph.D. (Università degli Studi di Milano – Italy)
Paulo Coelho Araújo, Ph.D. (University of Coimbra – Portugal)
Pierluigi Aschieri, Ph.D. (Facoltà di Scienze Motorie, Università de L‟Aquila – Italy)
Fumiaki Shishida, Ph.D. (Waseda University – Japan)
Keith Kernspecht, Ph.D. (N. Sports Academy & Bulgarian State Univ. of Plovdiv – Germany)
King Yan Walter Ho, Ph.D. (University of Macau – China)
Raquel Escobar Molina, Ph.D. (University of Granada – Spain)
Roman Kalina, Ph.D. (University of Rzeszów – Poland)
Roberto Haramboure, Ph.D. (Catholic University of Peru – Peru)
Samuel Julhe, Ph.D. (Université Toulouse III – France)
Sergio Raimondo. Ph. D. (University of Cassino – Italy)
Thomas Green, Ph.D. (Texas A & M University – USA)
Willy Pieter, Ph.D. (Masaryk University – Czech Republic)
Wojciech Cynarski, Ph.D. (University of Rzeszów – Poland)
Zdenko Reguli, Ph.D. (Masaryk University - Czech Republic)
Editorial Patronage
Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas (Spain) (www.revistadeartesmarciales.com)
Journal of Asian Martial Arts (USA) (http://journalofasianmartialarts.com)
Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine – Combat Sports Special Issues (Turkey) (http://jssm.org/combat.php)
IdoMovement for Culture. Journal of MA Anthropology (Poland) (www.idokan.pl/index.php)
Archives of Budo (Poland) (www.archbudo.com)
IRKRS Journal (Australia) (www.koryu-uchinadi.com/Journal.htm)
JORRESCAM (France) (www.jorrescam.fr)
Electronic Journals of Martial Arts and Sciences (http://ejmas.com)
Research Units Patronage – Portugal:
CI&DETS – Centre for the Study of Education, Technology and Health.
CIDESD – Research Centre on Sport, Health and Human Development.
Viseu – Portugal
13th - 15th May 2011
General Presentation
The Congress will be divided into two main blocks: (1) global approach (2) multidimensional. The global approach on the first day will mainly focus on three areas:
a) MA&CS object of study, systematic, institutions and research;
b) Instructors and Coach Education processes in MA&CS;
c) Pedagogy and Didactical knowledge.
The multidimensional block will be based on the analysis of martial arts and combat sports according to five dimensions:
i) Physical dimension – physiological conditioning factors in physical training;
ii) Technical dimension - biomechanical conditioning factors in technical training;
iii) Tactical dimension –bioinformational conditioning factors in tactical training;
iv) Psychological dimension – affective and emotional conditioning factors in psychological training;
v) Socio-cultural and philosophical dimension – conditioning factors of norms, values and symbols.
The Congress program will start with the global approach, to be developed during the first day, followed by more specific interpretative analyses within the above mentioned dimensions. The Closing Session will summarize all relevant aspects discussed.
The Congress format will be based on 30-minute conferences, 15- to 20-minute papers and 45- to 60-minute roundtable panels with four-five specialists. The latter will have a 10-minute central presentation and three to four 5-minute presentations on the subject, followed by a discussion centred on questions and answers from the audience and will conclude with final comments by the roundtable panel members. Posters will take place separately, in a free format (mainly during breaks), and are aimed at promoting contact and discussions with their authors.
Friday, 13th May 2011
10.00h – Opening of Registration Desk and Poster Presentation Preparation
12.00h – Opening Session
13.00h – Lunch break
15:00h – Study object, systematics and research on martial arts and combat sports (conference + roundtable panel)
17.00h – Pedagogy and Didactics in MA&CS (conference + papers + roundtable panel)
19.00h – Final 1st day.
Saturday, 14th May 2011
09.00h – Physical dimension in MA&CS (conference + papers + roundtable panel)
11.00h – Technical dimension in MA&CS (conference + papers + roundtable panel)
13.00h – Lunch break
15.00h – Tactical dimension in MA&CS (conference + papers + roundtable panel)
17.00h – Psychological dimension in MA&CS (conference + papers + roundtable panel)
19.00h – Final 2nd day.
20:00h – Congress Official Dinner
Sunday, 15th May 2011
09.00h – Socio-cultural and philosophical dimension in MA&CS (conf.+ papers + rt. panel)
11.30h – Roundtable – Congress Final Conclusions
12.30h – Closing Session
In due time, a more detailed program will be made available, reflecting the number and contents (and consequently the distribution) of the abstracts received.
Actualization: www.adiv.pt/ccamdc

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