Covid-19 Does Not Discriminate by Body Weight
Covid-19 Does Not Discriminate by Body Weight
At this point it's been made to seem like common sense: Larger-bodied people are at higher risk from this pandemic. "Those who are overweight really need to be careful," France's chief ...
#DropTheTowel Highlights Trans
#DropTheTowel Highlights Trans Men's Body Positivity
The photo series presented today underscores that importance by showcasing trans men celebrating their bodies freely and joyfully in a safe space created by community where everyone was able to drop
Le Sexocorporel
La sexualité est une dimension de l'être humain qui suscite beaucoup de questionnements et de fascination. La volonté de comprendre les différentes composantes qui la façonnent, comme un objet...
Atteindre l'extase.
Atteindre l'extase. Grâce à l'approche sexocorporelle - Nicole Audette
Découvrez sur Atteindre l'extase - Grâce à l'approche sexocorporelle par Nicole Audette - Éditeur Logiques (Editions) - Librairie Decitre
Coeur naturiste
Baby Jails
COVID-19 and the Anthropocene
Call for Papers: COVID-19 and the Anthropocene
The global coronavirus pandemic has already affected most of the planet in innumerable ways. Beyond its devastating human health toll, we are witnessing atmospheric, resource use, ecological ...
Comment vivre le contact en temps de confinement
Comment vivre le contact en temps de confinement
🎥 Conférence en direct de Bernard Andrieu, philosophe, "Comment vivre le contact en temps de confinement" Ne plus toucher ou comment être au contact des viva...