Ana Mendieta
Le corps danse
LE CORPS DANSÉ - Une voie de réconciliation, Patrick Ehrhard - livre, ebook, epub
Commandez le livre LE CORPS DANSÉ - Une voie de réconciliation, Patrick Ehrhard - Ouvrage disponible en version papier et/ou numérique (ebook)
The wandering womb
The wandering womb | Library | Royal College of Nursing
Cullingworth operated on Beatty for 'ovarian disease', but removed both her ovaries rather than the one she had consented to. Beatty, engaged to be married and keen to start a family, claimed ...
When women got pills for hysteria and advice on douching
When women got pills for hysteria and advice on douching
A new exhibition by the Royal College of Nursing showcases a series of strange, sometimes disturbing objects used in women's healthcare. From pink pills to help women with so-called hysteria, to ...
Pregnancy changes how hundreds of genes work in a woman's body
Pregnancy changes how hundreds of genes work in a woman's body
It's no secret that women's bodies go through radical changes during pregnancy, but we're finally starting to understand what happens at the gene level. Alicia Smith at Emory University in the US ...
PENSER L'HYBRIDATION - Art et biotechnologie
PENSER L'HYBRIDATION - Art et biotechnologie, Camille Prunet - livre, ebook, epub
Commandez le livre PENSER L'HYBRIDATION - Art et biotechnologie, Camille Prunet - Ouvrage disponible en version papier et/ou numérique (ebook)
JEAN ET CHARLES-GUILLAUME VIGUERIE - La chirurgie toulousaine aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles,
Commandez le livre JEAN ET CHARLES-GUILLAUME VIGUERIE - La chirurgie toulousaine aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, Pierre Aubry - Ouvrage disponible en version papier et/ou numérique (ebook)
LE PROBLÈME DE LA COMMUNAUTÉ - Marx, Tönnies, Weber, Daniel Alvaro - livre, ebook, epub
Commandez le livre LE PROBLÈME DE LA COMMUNAUTÉ - Marx, Tönnies, Weber, Daniel Alvaro - Ouvrage disponible en version papier et/ou numérique (ebook)
All editorial inquiries should be addressed to: Fabrizio Desideri (Editor): Aisthesis publishes academic articles in Italian, English and French, current research ...