Nonhuman Photography
The increasing representation of trans identity throughout art and popular culture
Robot Sex
How the couch became an icon of self-knowledge and self-reflection
Commandez le livre FEMMES ET DROITS DE PROPRIÉTÉ - Coordonné par Fatiha Talahite et Randi Deguilhem - Ouvrage disponible en version papier et/ou numérique (ebook)
Sport, Sex and Gender : Representations and Narratives
Commandez le livre SPORT, SEXE ET GENRE : REPRÉSENTATIONS ET NARRATIONS - Sport, Sex and Gender : Representations and Narratives - Sous la direction de Alessandro Porrovecchio - Ouvrage disponible...
Transhumanism and the Promise of the Bodiless Mind
Transhumanism and the Promise of the Bodiless Mind in the Original Ghost in the Shell
Rather than make the series feel dated, identity issues in the cyber age make the 1995 film seem extraordinarily prescient. Transhumanists and their associated flavors of science fiction have long ...
From decapitation to positive psychology
From decapitation to positive psychology: how one nerve connects body, brain and mind
Andrew H Kemp, Swansea University The relationship between mind, brain and body has kept philosophers and scientists busy for centuries. Some of the first interesting - albeit gruesome - experiments
Out-of-body experiments show kids' budding sense of self
Out-of-body experiments show kids' budding sense of self
Kids can have virtual out-of-body experiences as early as age 6. Oddly enough, the ability to inhabit a virtual avatar signals a budding sense that one's self is located in one's own body ...
Bodyscience : toute la recherche scientifique sur le sport et le corps
Bodyscience : toute la recherche scientifique sur le sport et le corps
Bodyscience : toute la recherche scientifique sur le sport et le corps. Études scientifiques, actualité, bodybuilding, fitness, nutrition, santé, (...)