People censoring their nude bodies using one FINGER
New challenge has people censoring their nude bodies using one FINGER
The One Finger Selfie Challenge sees people taking naked mirror selfies while covering their nipples and genitals using only one finger The risque challenge is said to be inspired by a cartoon ...
'Nasty Woman' of Contemporary Art
A 'Nasty Woman' of Contemporary Art Fearlessly Renders the Body
Originated by the Contemporary Arts Museum in Houston and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Denver, this show contains 44 paintings on canvas or metal, four stunning videos and sundry occasionally ...
Sexe et genre de la culture
Calenda - Sexe et genre de la culture : production, médiation, consommation
Le colloque entend contribuer à combler ce manque en proposant deux journées et demie de réflexion autour de problématiques transversales à ces trois dimensions - production, médiation ...
La prochaine peste,
La prochaine peste, Serge Morand | Fayard
Craintes et parfois diabolisées, les maladies infectieuses font pourtant partie intégrante de l'histoire de l'humanité. L'homme est en effet l...
Le Corps et l'Esprit (Inventeurs, médecins & savants fous)
Le corps contemporain et l'espace vécu
Le corps contemporain et l'espace vécu: entre imaginaire et expérience
Le colloque Le corps contemporain et l'espace vécu: entre imaginaire et expérience, organisé par Sara Bédard-Goulet, se déroule du 25 au 27 novembre 2016 au Musée d'art contemporain des Laure...
transgender body in art
The transgender body in art: finding visibility 'in difficult times like these'
Captain Wright, one of the subjects in transgender artist Ria Brodell's paintings, lived until his death in 1834 with Mrs Wright and an abundance of rabbits. They were "respectable gentlefolks" ...
Kate Beckinsale talks about her role as a female
Underworld star Kate Beckinsale talks about her role as a female lead
She revealed that she hasn't always been the 'sporty type' often preferring to escape into a good book as a child. But Kate Beckinsale, 43, said her ongoing role in the Underworld series has helped
Politique du corps
Le corps interroge de plus en plus les sciences sociales et humaines. Il s'impose comme sujet-objet de recherche non seulement en tant que produit et représentation culturels, mais aussi comme ...