The woman who painted her body for artist Yves Klein
The woman who painted her body for artist Yves Klein - BBC News
From the section Entertainment & Arts In a Paris art gallery in 1960, three naked women covered themselves in blue paint and made impressions of their bodies on paper as an orchestra played and ...
Body and spiritual experience in Europe
Abstracts are invited for a proposed series of sessions on the body and spiritual experience in Europe 1500-1700, intended for the next Renaissance Society of America meeting (30 March-1 April 2017
Liberté Égalité Sexualité
[Concours] Faites-vous plaisir avec Liberté Égalité Sexualité
Les éditions La Musardine publient aujourd'hui Liberté Égalité Sexualité, un beau livre...
Commandez le livre LA VIOLENCE DE LA VIE QUOTIDIENNE À LIBREVILLE, Alice Aterianus-Owanga, Maixant Mebiane-Zomo - Ouvrage disponible en version papier et/ou numérique (ebook)
Publié depuis Overblog
Post-Racial or Most-Racial?
When Barack Obama won the presidency, many posited that we were entering into a post-racial period in American politics. Regrettably, the reality hasn't lived up to that expectation. Instead ...
En immersion
En immersion - Corps en Immersion
Récompenses : Sélection en compétition officielle au FIPA et au Festival de Luchon 2015Prix ADAMI du Meilleur espoir masculin pour Vixctor NielPrix ADAMI du Meilleur espoir féminin pour ...
This 56-Year-Old Is Proof That Women's Bodies Are Sexy
This 56-Year-Old Is Proof That Women's Bodies Are Sexy At Any Age (NSFW)
When Texas native Julie H. was about to turn 50, she began posting provocative images of herself on DeviantArt, an online community for artists, following a great personal tragedy ― one that she ...
A Body Project: Hannah Caldwell
A Body Project: Hannah Caldwell On Her Arms
With award-winning photographer Substantia Jones of The Adipositivity Project, Bustle is launching A Body Project. A Body Project aims to shed light on the reality that "body positivity" is not a ...
Ceci est mon corps... Ceci est mon logiciel
Ceci est mon corps... Ceci est mon logiciel - Corps en Immersion
Conférence: Ceci est mon corps... Ceci est mon logiciel. 10 octobre 2016, à 16h ORLAN est une des plus grandes artistes françaises reconnue à l'internationale. Elle utilise la sculpture, la ...